Monday, January 2, 2012

At last my 2012 Journal and some artwork

At long last! I made my first entery in the journal yesterday, I had been waitting till 2012 to start it. I did find however that I was unable to truly write anything of real substance. Not sure why, perhaps I can atribute it to new journal jitters. I also find I write more on my typewriter these days.

Damn handwriting still is not as artful as I would like. My right wrist still gives me trouble. The tremmors have become slightly less frequent but still I work at it. I have suffered seriouse injury to that wrist 3 times. Not to mention seeing that my right hand is my domanant hand; it's my shooting hand, and also when I fight that right wrist takes most of the contact abuse. Yet I am happy that it seems to be getting stronger day by day.

Though my handwriting still leaves something to be desired, I have taken up the habbit of writing block style and I dare say I can emulate other peoples handwriting very well. I have been practing fine moter skills by drawing more and also beading more. I am finding that my art has been desent boarder linning on good! I had taken up tracing art a few months ago to help steedy my hand but now I am back to drawing free hand :) Here are a few of my drawings although I do not trace my work I do look for artwork to either inspire or draw my own copy of.

I would enjoy feedback on them. I will need to post more a bit later in the day as well as spell check this post in a few hours. For now this will have to do, as I need to shower and get on with my days.   
Here are a few of the drawings I feel are good enough to post. 

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