Monday, January 16, 2012

Sleep over at the Sun Stone apt 19

Sean is asleep in the bed next to me, Alauna is asleep on the airmattress, Hanse is asleep on the couch. I haven't slept a wink, It's 4 minutes to 8:00am. I regreat that I am going to need to wake up 1/2 the house soon- I have a Dr.'s apointment at 10:30 today- then CVS.

It is great to see friend but I could do with some sleep- It seems to late for that right now. I guess I am going to load the rest of the dishwasher, get a cup of coffee, I put another round of laungery into the wash. Then a stiff cup of coffee- Make a cup of tea for Alauna and some toast and fruit. A fresh pot of coffee on for me, Sean, Hanse but Sean is sleeping in.

8:10am- Now I think I should set the dishwasher off... get some coffee. Ok Dishwasher set off and I got a fresh cup of coffee for myself. Ok... I should get ready and think to maybe get my friend ready and let her know the options for today. I did want to post up more of my art. I will put in a sencond blog post after this one.  I hope to post more soon.

I will write more and spell check this blog post a bit latter.

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